Sabtu, 02 April 2016

Did you know that the neutral status of the engine consumes fuel! ~ forex trading jobs in karachi

German auto expert Pascal Mast warned that the operation of the engine on the neutral status consumes at least one liter of fuel per hour to run.
So recommended Mast, an expert with the German Agency for Technical Inspection (TÜV), turn off the engine in traffic jams and signals, especially if the waiting periods of more than 15 seconds, in order to save on fuel consumption.
 German expert pointed out that some modern cars come equipped with stop / start the engine, which shuts down the engine as soon as the car stopped, then start it off with a walk, what works to reduce fuel consumption rates system.
The hottest summer may lead to the disruption of electronic systems drive:

German body art quality control warned (TÜV Süd) that the effect of excessive heat car parked in the sun not only to passengers, but it may also cause exposure electronic systems for car damage.
That drive excessive heat may lead to important systems such as airbags and crash the system brakes inhibitor of the wheel lock (ABS) or strengthen the balance-mail program (ESP) or in the engine control system.
To prevent this from happening, the German auto row recommended to wait through the hot days in the shade of trees or under the roofed places. When the valet to wait under direct sunlight may increase the temperature inside to reach 100 degrees Celsius, which is not borne electronic systems.
German experts confirms that the thermal expansion and subsequent cooling in the wind walk may cause the appearance of cracks very accurate in paintings and disks. This applies also when high external temperatures and rotation of the engine when driving in traffic jams and jams, which leads to the emission of additional hotter.

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